This page is your platform to propose topics you'd like to present and write papers about. If you haven't already submitted your proposal or need to finalize your submission, now is the perfect time to do so. Don't miss out on this opportunity to be a part of the 43rd Annual PNSQC Conference, where quality-minded software professionals from all backgrounds come together to share insights and collaborate.
This year's conference theme is Quality Intelligence Check out these blog posts on the benefits of presenting and our submission guidelines for more information: - Writing And Presenting A Paper For PNSQC: It’s Not As Hard As You Think! - Writing a Paper for PNSQC: What Are the Benefits? - Using Generative AI in PNSQC Papers, Presentations, and Workshop Materials
Remember, you can make changes to your submission at any time before the deadline. Please note that all submissions are subject to review by the conference committee, and acceptance does not guarantee a presentation slot. However, all accepted papers will be featured in our annual proceedings, available online to the entire community via Amazon.
Don't miss this opportunity to showcase your expertise, contribute to our Community of Quality, and get FREE admission to this year's conference. Submit your abstract now and be a part of PNSQC 2025!