The PNSQC community is excited about the 43rd Annual Conference and glad that you have decided to be a part of it. This hybrid event is an annual conference that brings together quality-minded software professionals of all types. We are looking forward to creating a fun-filled event this October.
Poster Papers embody the PNSQC core mission of knowledge exchange while also emphasizing our desire and culture to 'grow our own' and support QA professionals in their development. As such, our Poster Paper program is designed for first-time speakers who may not feel comfortable doing a technical talk and paper in front of a formal audience. Rather, our Poster Paper authors display their posters in a prominent networking area of the conference where they can speak casually about their topics and ideas.
The Poster Paper format helps you bring a topic to life in a compact visual format that encourages informal discussion, debate, and exchange of ideas in a relaxed atmosphere of peer engagement and review. The format can include hand-drawn or digitally created content displayed in a manner that is easy to share and discuss with others. Think science fair with a software quality twist. Plus, as a Poster Paper author, you'll get into the conference at half price!
This proposal link is for submitting ideas for poster papers that can be presented in person in Portland, Oregon during the conference.