April 2024
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Job Tips & Tricks for Software Quality Professionals
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PNSQC 2025 Software Quality Conference
10/13/2025 - 10/15/2025
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Events in the month of April 2024

The ultimate goal of software development is to deliver value to the customer by developing software in a flexible, iterative, and collaborative manner.

Naturally, this is a very high-level definition, and as we know the devil is in the details.

Who determines value to the customer?  How flexible is flexible? What constitutes an iteration and why should we work that way? And perhaps most importantly: what does it mean to collaborate?

Although many try to "avoid politics at work," one definition of politics says it involves making decisions that apply to members of a group, the distribution and transfer of power in decision-making, and the methods and tactics used to formulate and apply policy.

Sounds like a software project in the details?  Let's ask Paige Watson,Director, Technical Coaching, how to navigate the politics of agile and how to focus on what leads to better outcomes.

Paige is an advocate for "Quality Software as Craft" practices and brings over 25 years of industry expertise.

Join us online, Wednesday, April 17th from Noon to 1:30 Pacific time.