March 2023
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Events available for Registration...

Events in the month of March 2023
This will be a hybrid meetup - both in person in Portland and on zoom.

The challenges of building a secure web application have been on the rise for the past several years. Today's hacker is well-educated and equipped with advanced tools. It is always possible to enhance the software development cycle by sharpening the security focus. The attack surface can provide an extra dimension that can yield a high-confidence secure application by focusing on high risk vulnerabilities.

In this presentation, you will learn the nuts and bolts of measuring the attack surface of a web application and how to leverage it for continually improving the security iteration after iteration and the next version.

Bhushan Gupta is a proven champion for quality and well-versed in software quality engineering, and a WebApp security researcher and practitioner in infusing security in the SDLC, OWASP Top10, Risk Analysis and Mitigation, Attack Surface Measurement, and Static and Dynamic Application Security Analysis. As a leader of the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) Portland Chapter, he is dedicated to driving web application security to higher levels via technical education and training.